Shawna’s Story

Shawna Beckmann

Sales strategist & Founder of Hey Hey Shawna May

How it all started

Hey, my name is Shawna May and I’m a sales strategist. 

7 Months ago, my business was not even on my radar. I was actually at the top 2% of my Direct Sales business at the time, and was just still feeling VERY unsatisfied, and I just couldn’t figure out why! That’s right about the time that I stumbled into Stephanie’s facebook group, without knowing that “business coaching” was an actual thing. 

It didn’t take long for us to connect instantly.  She had previously owned a local based business, like me, and we just had similar life circumstances in so many places across the board. I often felt like Stephanie was my older sister. We got on the phone, and I just knew that what I was doing at the time, my Direct Sales Business, was not what I wanted to be doing forever… but I didn’t really know what else was even an option.

I sat sorta in this weird place of limbo and I asked her “do you think you can help me?”  She confidently said “Yes” and answered confidently back with the things we would do together. It was then that she showed me that I actually was sorely undervaluing my experience and expertise in this online space, and that I had so much more to offer, and so much more to earn with what I was already providing to my clients!

Want to learn how you too can have these discoveries!?

Starting her Business

What I couldn’t see, was that she showed me so much of everything I was really good at, and that I was getting paid ZERO dollars, or pennies on the dollar for it. With her business strategy I could actually do BIG things, help people, and be paid my worth. I would struggle, and doubt, and fear .

I struggled left and right with self doubt, wondering whether I could make it, whether I had what it took, how I was different than the rest. I constantly had fears coming up for me within my business, and Stephanie’s constant cheering and ‘rock-like’ presence in my life & in my business gave me the motivation and tools to actually, really do this.


What Things Look Like Today

Now, I have a business that isn’t determined on my location. I have a business that isn’t determined on what other people do, or don’t do. This business is 100% mine, and built on 100% my terms. It’s the best business I’ve ever had, and it started with her. I get up and make the rules, and am doing exactly what I want, without losing any of my profits to any middle men!

After going through so many other businesses, to be able to land where I am now, has been such an amazing journey. I just launched my podcast! I am helping hundreds and thousands of women every week to learn their potential in their own businesses, and understand how to properly value themselves, just like Stephanie helped me to work through for myself!

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