Megan’s Story

Megan Cahak

The Beginning

Before launching my dream business, I sat in my office and stared out the window wondering if this was what my life was going to look like for the next 40 years.


How did getting stuck at this 9-5 desk job even happen? I’ll tell you exactly how. I did all the things someone else thought I should do, and did them. I went to college and got a bachelor’s degree in Professional Communication and Emerging Media because I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, but I knew I should probably get a college degree if I wanted to be successful.

I landed a job within my field of study before I even graduated, then walked the stage with honors. I scored big with a job that paid me $50K a year, offered amazing benefits and weeks of vacation within the first year of work. But I couldn’t shake the feeling of wishing for more freedom to spend with my family, more freedom with my income to spend on vacations and have more interaction with women who also dreamed of having more.

It was 2016 & I was feeling unfulfilled and unmotivated, I stared blankly at my computer screen, I wondered what was wrong with me? How could I possibly be this unhappy? I felt like such a spoiled brat for not liking my job and hating the path I was on. But I couldn’t shake the feeling of being a forced into a career I didn’t love. I felt like a square being pushed through a round hole. It just wasn’t working.

The more I searched for an answer to why I was feeling so empty and bored, the more I began to discover that I had chased after someone else’s dream, achieved someone else’s goals and was doing a job someone else thought would suit me well. None of what I did these last 5 years had anything to do with what I actually wanted to do with my life. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to ride horses all day long, spend all the time I could with my family, lay in the green grass and watch the clouds float by. I dreamed of waking up when my body told me I was ready, stroll into the kitchen for some fresh coffee, go on spontaneous day trips with my significant other, and spending hours at the barn riding till my heart’s content.


As I got older, my friends would tell me their hopes and dreams for the future and I always encouraged them to go after what their heart was telling them. “Follow your dreams and it will all work out” or “don’t let someone else’s idea of what you should be doing affect your choices” I would tell them. For so many years, I encouraged other people to chase after their dreams and was their sounding board when talking about what their next move should be, but I neglected to do that for myself.


The choice to settle for a job that paid the bills, continue to be stuck at a desk Monday through Friday all damn day and living only for the weekend was never my plan. But there I was. So, in the beginning of 2017, I started planning my escape.

Starting My Business

It took something pretty huge to catapult me towards finally doing something for myself. In January 2016, my husband had brain surgery and it completely rocked my world. This man that I love so much might actually leave this world, and we didn’t get to do half the things we planned because I had backed myself into a corner with my 9-5 job.

Once he healed and returned to work, I got to work. I immediately started searching for a business coach to help me achieve my dream of leading the freedom lifestyle I had craved for so long. I was going to achieve my dream for my family, for my daughter, and for myself.

Once I got on the phone with Stephanie I knew I was talking to someone who would help me get there and then some. She knew exactly how to help me get out of my own head and start acting on these big goals I had set for myself.

I worked with Stephanie for 4 months, initially in her Empowered Group Program. And within those 4 months, I went from not know what I wanted to do AT ALL to launching a website, booking 1:1 clients, designing high end 1:1 coaching program that I LOVE, & earning almost double my 9-5 income in one month (really, in 1 week). This was not without Stephanie’s personal guidance throughout the program, as well as my decision to hire her 1:1 RIGHT after I finished the group program.

Reaching My Goals

I came dangerously close to not making my April goal. But Stephanie would not let me give up. She coached me through the two remaining weeks, pushed me towards my goal and told me exactly how to reach it. Honestly, she would NOT let me give up, so I was destined to reach them. So,I pulled out all the stops and didn’t give up!

It was with this push that she helped me realize I was undervaluing my programs & my offering and helped me to DOUBLE the amount of money that I would have made had it not been for her advice and that push! Instead of making $2k (which was my goal as my first official month in business), I actually made $4k!


My goal to leave my 9-5 and live a freedom lifestyle is right around the corner. I can see the light at the end of my corporate tunnel and I know I couldn’t not have gotten to this place in my business this quickly if it were not for Stephanie and her kick ass business strategies and coaching.


I mean, COME ON! Working with Stephanie after just 40 DAYS in her 1:1 Business Mentorship Program, I made over $10k!!!!!  Who doesn’t want to see that kind of success in their business?! Now we are working together to plan out my first $20k group program launch that will allow me to have 2 months off with my newborn baby boy when he comes in Sept!

Want to know how you can acheive these results, and more!?

Final Tips

Taking the first few steps toward reaching my goal of being an online entrepreneur were really scary. When I selected the “pay” button, I almost threw up. But I’ve never regretted it. I have never wished I was working with someone else, and I have never regretted starting when I did. Well, I do wish I would have started sooner, but that is a different story!

Stephanie taught me how to dream again. For so long I couldn’t see past the negativity in my life or the debt I had accrued and I couldn’t find a way out of the corner I had backed myself into. Then she came into my life at the exact right time and showed me a secret door so I COULD get past all that and still achieve my dreams. I don’t know if I could ever thank her enough for believing in me so much. Because she constantly believed in me, I finally started to believe in myself once again.

Launching an online business is scary. There are so many unknowns. But, with a heavyweight business strategist like Stephanie by your side, there is literally no way you can fail.

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