7 Easy Steps

These are the exact seven steps that allowed me to be making $10K+ per month, retire my husband, buy a sweet camper, and start traveling full time. This stuff really works!

Decision Maker's Handbook

This Decision Maker’s Handbook will guide you through the process I practice to keep an open flow within my life and my business to always get what I desire.

Coffee Talk

Ever wonder what it’s like to be in the room with Stephanie and her biz-besties? Get a listen in on business insights and mindset tricks from her, Tonya Vanderhart, and Jenna Carelli, as they get together over Sunday morning coffee.

Facebook Group Strategy

I grew my group by over 1000 people and brought in my first $60k of income through purely organic reach-out on Facebook! This is my strategy for growing my audience, forminig authentic relationships, and booking discovery calls!

Surviving to Thriving

An enlightening four-part audio series on the steps you can take right now to move past the stage where you’re simply surviving—and into the amazing and uplifting feeling of thriving every day within your business!

Business & Branding Essentials

Stephanie chats with branding expert Maria Wendt about social strategy and brand development, both crucial in getting you on the fast track to success.

Maximizing the Seven Ingredients

In this 90-minute, jam-packed masterclass, you’ll learn how to take Stephanie’s Seven Key Ingredients and maximize their impact to acccelerate your business growth.

Only $4!

This Essential Workbook will help you drill down, get real with yourself, and answer the truly HARD QUESTIONS in order to set goals, create an action plan to get your business moving forward, and start growing at a truly rapid pace!


This video and PDF training gives proven strategies to close sales without feeling icky or sounding salesy. You’ll get my exact wording to help you through the difficult parts of a call. BONUS workbook: Create a premium program!


Direct Your Destiny

This deep-dive course gives four modules and nine workbooks and training materials to help you create 5-figure months and start living your dream life. You can have it all!
