Alison’s Story

Alison Boden

Founder of

Taking the Leap

I started working with Steph when I was SO OVER my job working as a dietitian in a small clinic. I loved my patients and loved the work that I was doing, but it was a job that was going nowhere. With baby #2 on the way, my entire paycheck was about to go to double daycare fees. So a change was 100% necessary and I needed some help! I knew that I wanted to jump into an online based private practice, and I wanted to get there quickly! So I jumped in and hired her as my coach to get all of my systems up and running.

I love talking about nutrition and how it can impact health. My specialty is women’s reproductive health, and I absolutely knew that there were so many women struggling with issues surround hormone health, fertility, pregnancy and the postpartum period – I just didn’t know how to find them! My plan was to offer the standard one-on-one consulting appointments, along with group work and live online classes. In addition to my work as a dietitian, I also have a teaching background so I wanted to combine my passions for helping people.

Results She has Achieved

Enter Stephanie…

In a few short months, Stephanie helped me grow my online presence. We tweaked my website, optimized my Instagram and started totally fresh on Facebook. I now have several thousand social media followers and am having so much fun hosting my own Facebook group- Radiant You. Best of all – I was able to get enough income to finally quit my job! Now I’m able to focus on my business full time and also spend more time with my toddler and baby- who we are expecting any day now! 

Stephanie helped me to see both the big picture and the logistics during every one of our calls and interactions. We would talk about direction of my business, short and longterm goals and then how to get there. From Facebook advertising to creating webinars and opt-ins, she gave me the tools to create and grow an online business and showed me how to implement them along the way. Stephanie uses her experience with starting and growing her own businesses to help others. 

I also loved that I could be totally up front with her – I never wanted to have a cookie cutter business that was all about funnels, discovery calls and high priced consulting packages. Coming from a public health background, I have always wanted to make my work accessible for most and not exclusive to those with deep pockets. Stephanie was open to and helped me develop my 3 tiered business model so I could do just that. 

Reaching her Goals

I am SO MUCH happier working for myself and now have limitless potential to reach women that need my help.

  • My business, reach and audience is consistently growing and I am on my way to becoming an influencer in my field. 
  • I am having FUN and sharpening the creative side of my brain.
  • I’m able to spend more time with my family. 
  • And I have felt SUPPORTED all along the way by Stephanie. She’s been available whenever I needed some logistical help or to bring me back to reality if I’m having a difficult time with my business. 

In short – Steph rocks and I am so happy I chose to work with her! I heart me some Stephanie Hoffman

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