(Without Sounding Salesy)

For many entrepreneurs and coaches, one of the most intimidating parts of the job can be the initial discovery call with a potential client. You don’t feel comfortable selling yourself and your programs, and you’re afraid of sounding salesy. In this VIDEO & PDF TRAINING, I’ll show you my strategies to help you feel more confident in your calls while guiding your potential client through the conversation—without all the icky feelings and discomfort that come with selling.

Using these exact strategies, I have learned how to attract my ideal prospects, confidently and authentically building relationships and easily turning them into amazing clients, all without feeling slimy or sounding salesy! With this training, you will learn everything you need to know about attracting IDEAL CLIENTS that you truly will feel passionate about working with and helping!

Using these exact strategies, I have learned how to attract my ideal prospects, confidently and authentically building long-term relationships! With this training, you will learn everything you need to know about attracting IDEAL CLIENTS that you truly will feel passionate about working with and helping!

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Positioning yourself as an expert & building authentic relationships


  • My ONE simple etiquette tip that will make a HUGE difference for you!


  • How to have the money conversation


  • Assigning homework and following up


  • PLUS: Scripts for all of the above!


  • BONUS Workbook on Creating Your Premium Program

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