I simply remember my Favorite Things

and then I don’t feeeeelll…. SOOO BADDD!!!!

TOOLS & GOODIES I USE ON A DAILY BASIS (for life and business) — AND LOVE!!

These are a few of the tools I use to keep things running smoothly in my business. When you’re in the early stages of your business, it can be a real game changer to get things automated and organized, so that you can spend more time focused on growth and building your dream life! For the majority of these tools, you can get started completely free and many of them have options to remain completely free up until the time that your business scales up!

I use and recommend Acuity Scheduler for your call booking calendar. You can even have potential clients fill out form questions within this platform, as well as sync it with your Google calendar with the paid version. The free version is great for getting started!

Client Management

I also use and recommend Dubsado for my client organization, bookkeeping, invoicing (which can be synced with both Paypal and Stripe) AND contract sending and saving! This tool has a free option if you are just getting started, so you can try it and decide whether you like it. If you do sign up, be sure to use my code (zestful) so you can get a discount!

Email/ CRM Systems

I also wildly love Convert Kit as an email marketing system. They have amazing capabilities to tag and segment your subscribers and truly personalize the emails and the organization of your sales funnels! You can even create landing pages through them for free! 

Social Media Scheduling

I don’t really recommend using a scheduler for Facebook for a few reasons, but I do use Later for Instagram planning/scheduling, and I love using Tailwind for Pinterest scheduling. If you feel that you need help, or want to focus on any of these things, beefing them up in your business, we can always have a call about this, or I am happy to direct you to my social media manager!

Disclosure: These links ARE affiliate links, but I’m recommending the products because I abso-friggin-lutely LOVE them. I personally use them every day, and I’m confident you will love them, too! Regardless of whether you may choose to use my links to sign up, I still highly recommend each of these tools.

Selfie Ring-Light

This is a mini-light ring for your phone! This helps me take THE BEST selfies, as well as light me up well while I am doing live-streams in my ‘not-so-well-lit’ camper!

Rechargeable with a USB, with no batteries to change out, this thing is a life saver! I highly recommend them! Click the image to see which one I use!

Phone Tripod & Selfie Stick

The ultimate iphone stand! I found this sucker on Amazon, and have NOT been able to live without it since! It is expandable to be just a table top iphone stand (can you tell I don’t have an android!?) or even one that stands 4.5 ft off the ground! So nice!

It also has a remote that it comes with that bluetooth hooks to your phone! Click the image to see more about it and snag yours!

Goodies for Everyday Life!

Bio-degradable Doggie Poop Bags

It is no mystery that I have dogs! I used to be a Professional Dog Trainer for crying out loud, however, what some of you may not know is that I am also an avid environmentalist! So, most of you may not realize this, but the majority of poop bags that you buy at Target, or the Petstore, or Grocery Store are all just plastic… and as an avid environmentalist, I hate one-time-use plastics!

So, I buy these bad-boys online! Bio-degradable, in as little as 18 months! Click the image to snag you some now too!

Environmentally Friendly Toilet Paper

Who puts TOILET PAPER as a resource link on their website?!  I DO! And you’re welcome! Did you know that most toilet papers that you buy in the store are from 100% NEWLY CUT TREES?

So, while some of you are like ‘why would I want to wipe my ass with recycled paper’ the other half of you are feeling yuky about all the forests that get cut down JUST so that you can wipe your ass… it’ stupid. And so, I buy Seventh Generation, and most of the time have to do it online (amazon Prime baby) because of products like Charmin buying out all the shelf space at local grocery stores!

Click the image if you wanna save some trees and wipe your ass in style, like Stephanie!

Environmentally Friendly Garbage Bags

Same thing about the poop bags… why would I want my garbage just sitting in a plastic bag for centuries? Obviously I recycle, but for the things that I cannot recycle, I want to make sure that I am leaving the smallest footprint possible.

These biodegradable trash bags allow me to do that! Click the link to see more about them (psstt… you CAN get these in some grocery stores, but you’ve gotta be committed. They aren’t cheap!)


This book is seriously everything! Have a fear of failure (which is/was all of us) …  READ THIS BOOK!

The way in which we can truly create our realities by just controlling our thoughts and feelings is beyond impressive! Click the image to head over to Amazon and snag yours now. No audio book yet!!!

Seat Cushion

Yes, this is a seat cushion. BEFORE you judge me, just realize that living a 100% travel lifestyle, living in a camper, and traveling to over 20 states this year has left me sitting on my ass in the passenger seat of my truck for a fuck-ton of hours! (and hell no I don’t drive the camper!)

So, when I found out about the Simply Purple cushion, I HAD to try it, and holy moly does it work soooo well! My ass never gets numb sitting on that thing! Click the image to check it out!

Fitness Bracelet

Alright, so most of us have a FITBIT, right?! Well, I kept losing my charger, and then when I got my new charger in the mail, I would lose the fitbit. THEN having to charge it every night, UGH!  So, I bought myself a bellabeat bracelet!

Not only is this thing beautiful, but it has an internal battery that you only have to change every 6 months or so! GENIUS! And, it tracks my ovulation (so helpful as hubby and I are trying to start a family), has meditations and actually tracks those for you and tells you how likely you are to be stressed from it! I love this little thing!

Click the image to learn more about it!

Yoga App

I LOVE my yoga, but traveling fulltime in the camper, it’s not always convenient to be able to have a local yoga class to go to. That’s why I love Yogaglo! I can pull up the classes on my laptop, or even download some on the app on my phone if I think I might not have great service! If you have a Samsung TV you can even download the app on your TV.

This is how I learned to do any kind of basic yoga. It’s truly amazing and has classes for ALL levels! Check it out!