Trinna’s Story

Trinna McIntosh

Founder of

The Beginning

It took me forever to determine what I wanted to do when I grew up. I changed my major in college 13 times [five times before my first day of class]. I have always felt called to doing big [scratch that HUGE] things with my life, but started my adult life following the cookie cutter model that my family expected of me. I graduated college with two bachelor degrees in under 5 years and did it debt-free [thank you scholarships, grants, and a job!].

At the ripe age of 22, I entered the “real world” by moving 800 miles away from all of my family and friends. My plan was to live off the little savings I had until I found a job. No joke — I found a job just as a ran out of money.

My parents were both extremely hard workers, and I feel blessed to have had such strong work ethic instilled in me at a very young age.  I accepted one job in particular in corporate America not knowing a single thing about my position (but with management being aware of my work ethic, had faith that I’d figure it out) and within three years was managing that very team.

When I worked myself so hard that my health literally came into question, I was fortunate to have had a recruiter find me on the internet and offer me what I thought was my dream job. The position paid just under 6 figures ($92k a year); I could work from home 4 days a week; and had the flexibility to travel and work.  I learned from this job that there is a big difference between the laptop lifestyle and the freedom lifestyle.  I craved that freedom lifestyle… and let’s be real – it was happening. I was just a matter of time until I achieved it.

Building Her Business

My dad became an entrepreneur when I was eight years old. Having been exposed to entrepreneurship most of my life, I honestly thought I could build my business on my own without any help.

I am extremely independent, and am fully confident that I can do anything I put my mind to. But you know what happened next? I fell flat on my face.  My first year in business was a complete and utter flop!

After much frustration, I stumbled upon an ad for business coaching.  I honestly didn’t even know that this industry even existed.  After a year of failing in business building, investing in myself suddenly became a no-brainer.  I knew that if I wanted different results in my life, I had to be willing to open my mind to a different perspective.

Results since starting

Within just 2 months of coaching with Stephanie, I had booked 15 discovery calls, and made $3k. Working with her 1:1 was when I truly started to see things taking off in my business, and that was just in the first TWO MONTHS!?

I grew my Facebook group by over 100 people in just one day using organic techniques I learned from Stephanie. My following and visibility has been growing everyday, and these techniques are something that I absolutely love to share with my own clients as well!


I have clients that love to publicly rave about my work, and I am equally fulfilled by seeing their growth right before my very eyes!

Let’s talk about how you can have amazing results like these too!

Final Tips

My best advice I can give you for starting your business: run towards what you don’t understand, and don’t be afraid to ask for help along the way.  Entering the entrepreneur world has been among the most difficult, but most worthwhile endeavors I’ve ever encountered and I wouldn’t change it for anything!

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