When we come into this business world, there’s a lot of comparison. A TON of it. And we are constantly thinking we need to look like ‘so and so’ or do things like she does. But I really want to stress that if you feel like something is really right or something just isn’t right for you, FOLLOW THAT!


You have to make a decision for you at all times.Sometimes there are going to be events, retreats, or coaches that you want to work with, and some may be shiny object syndrome. It’s our job as entrepreneurs to filter through these things that seem fun, and the ones that would be extremely valuable to you.



You can’t have it all. But, I believe, you can have all of the things you want, if you are picky and know how to make those decisions for yourself.

In my business. I’m a little weird, and a little different, and I started that out way. In the beginning, I had some ideas that I thought were great ideas that I ended up holding back on. I was worried about what someone would think, and if they think it’s as great of an idea as I do. But out of the gate, I’ve been my true self in my business. It has definitely taken me some time to grow into this, and be able to truly own every ounce of this, but I can tell you with certainty that it has been THE ONE thing that has propelled my business forward!

YOU can have this confidence and comfort for your business to. I want you to show up authentically you. Knowing that every single action you’re taking is for your true self.


I want to be able to be that person in your business. To help you realize what really excites you in your business. So that you can be taking daily actions that allow you to show up, be present, and excite you! And most importantly that work. It has to work for you.

One of the things that I want to highlight on is this idea that we have to have our ‘signature programs’ structured THE SAME WAY as everyone else’s! I’ve changed my programs a lot since I started. I originally paid $7500 to work with my coach for 3 months, one 45 min call every week, email support in between, very cookie cutter. There weren’t even any extensions. THIS is how I thought my program should look, monkey see monkey do, right? But that 3 months, girl, that flies by!

So, what did I do? I crafted a program that TRULY fits my needs. I broke free from the mold, and really listened to what I know that I would want, and that I know my clients want from me!

There is no normal. There is no average. And there is no one that you have to mimic. Be you in every way that you want to be in your business. AND show up in a way that excites you. If it doesn’t work the first time, all it needs is a bit more tweaking.

Now, if you’re asking yourself “BUT HOW!?”

How can I show up as YOURSELF, and confidently attack my business plan!?” then you need to get yourself my 7 Key Ingredients checklist by clicking the image above, or following this link! https://www.myzestfullife.us/seven-easy-steps-2/