Why is it sometimes SO HARD to just be able to sit back and enjoy the little things? I feel like that’s truly all I have been doing for the past few weeks—taking a step back and truly being able to enjoy the world around me! It’s easy to do when you are in such beautiful places, like Banff, Alberta for instance.

The truth is we have been going non-stop for over a week and a half now, literally traveling from Banff all the way to Wisconsin in that amount of time, all while I am working and taking the time to ‘enjoy the little things.’ Often feeling as though there is not much time for me left over. I’ve always been a people pleaser, and so it’s easy for me to go with the flow and NOT listen to my body and what it is clearly telling me that I need.

Today, that message is ‘rest.’

It can be so easy to slip back into the grind, especially when you LOVE the work you do and you are a recovering control freak… but sometimes all you truly need is to just tune in and feel in your bones what it is you need!

So, being a hella awesome biz-boss, I gave myself permission to be in tune with myself, and took authority over my schedule (which, yes, involved cancelling a scheduled livestream for my membership group—but would it have been everything it needed to be had I shown up not taking care of myself?). I treated myself to an awesome lunch and then proceeded home to take a two-hour nap.

I am still listening to what it is my body needs now, sitting and typing this with a glass of wine next to me, and looking out over the lake while my hubby chops wood for a campfire for us. While resting, I can also nourish my creative side and pour my heart out to those who need to hear it (thus the message at hand).

I feel as though it is so easy to just keep your hands, white knuckle, on the reins… feeling as though loosening your grip will let everything slip away. Truly what we need, though, is to tune in and hear what our bodies and minds are telling us in that moment, and GO WITH THE FLOW!!! Fuck the control. Wouldn’t it feel so much nicer to actually do what you feel you need at every moment?

That is my challenge for you. Tune in—and give yourself what you truly need.

If you’re asking yourself, “But, how!?” you need to get a copy of my FREE mini-course to how I am able to create success and live an amazing #freedomlifestyle. You CAN DO THIS! Click the image to download your copy: