When I started my first business (which was dog training), I made a ton of mistakes. My first mistake was starting my business with a business partner. I didn’t choose to work with her because I really felt I wanted her in my business, I chose to work with her out of fear. I didn’t think I could start the business on my own, I didn’t think I was ready, and I wasn’t confident in myself.

However, we did do really well in our first year. We wanted to get a brick and mortar location for our business and we found a place and put a lot of money out. After this, she started facing her own internal struggle and left our business; we separated the partnership amicably. But the situation I was then facing was extremely tough.

They say “when life throws you lemons…”, well, lemons were being pelted at me! And true to myself, I took these lemons and I ZESTED them! Zest is something that adds a pop of flavor, a pizzazz, and adds life to everything!

What that means is I took full responsibility for the situation and worked my BUTT off! I dedicated myself to my clients. I got myself out of debt by really getting to work and ZESTING these lemons.

Even if you think nothing is working for you and you’re facing a lot of obstacles, there are ways for you to show up even more in your business. You are not put into this struggle for no reason. You need a purpose to struggle and to get to success. Don’t be afraid and don’t be ashamed that the lemons are pelting you! Take them and get that passion and ZEST from them so that way they ultimately add life to you!