Embarrassment is awkward and uncomfortable. No one likes it, especially when it revolves around money.

We have all felt embarrassed at one point or another in our lives. You are not alone! We have all been at that moment in our business where we think about hiring someone for help or support, and when we hear the cost of the program, we stop replying. We disappear. We go silent! This is often because we feel embarrassed that we “can’t afford it” or we are “not ready”.

Do NOT feel embarrassed!!! While it is normal to be embarrassed, you don’t have to fall off the face of the planet. If you feel like you want to be ready and you want to be able to afford a program, then we can figure that out together. It’s not something to be ashamed about.

The other end of this spectrum are the people who don’t want to get a coach or who don’t want to buy a program and they just want to do all of the business themselves without any help. They want to “diy” their business without asking for support! They will ask others to buy into their own programs and their own products, but they’re not willing to invest in themselves! That doesn’t mean you’ll lose credibility, but it means you don’t realize how much more you could be doing with help and support.

If it is hard for you to justify spending money on programs or a coach or any other support, there’s something off and we need to get to the bottom of it. Whether it is your insecurity or whether it is because you can’t see the value in these choices, we can work together to overcome those feelings.

If you let money stop you from reaching your clients or meeting your goals, that’s not serving you or your business.


So do not feel embarrassed! We have all been there! We have all been at a point where we have felt stuck. Ask for help, ask for advice, and find ways to make it happen for you.

P.S. To see more on this topic, go here!