One of the biggest questions for new entrepreneurs and for entrepreneurs who are looking to “up their game”, is, “how do I hit my goals each month?”

Before you even begin, you should know the goal you want to meet. Is it $2000 this month? Or is it $10,000? Once you know the goal amount, answer these questions and follow these steps.

  1. Where does this money need to be going? Is it just going to bills? Credit card? Make your money have a purpose. This is extremely essential! The goal should be non-negotiable. Say to yourself, “This is what I’m doing and I’m making this goal!”
  2. What am I doing to get the money? Is it one program? Multiple programs? This is how you decide what your program prices should be. Think about amount of money vs. amount of clients. Each of these strategies can help you accomplish your goals, but one way may get you the money faster than another. Do you want to include the option of a payment plan? If so, you won’t be getting all that money at once, so you will need to fill more spots for that month.
  3. What is a “no brainer” price for your clients? If you are brand new at creating programs, maybe $200 or $300 is the “no brainer” price. However, maybe the most exciting price for your clients is at $800. In this case, meet in the middle and charge $500. But, if this means you’ll need more clients than you feel confident signing in one month, maybe you need to consider upping your prices so you need less clients to meet your goal.
  4. Set your goals realistically and make sure you don’t set yourself up for failure. If you are new, maybe you don’t set a high goal. You should be easy on yourself. But also: KNOW YOUR WORTH!
  5. What matters most is what makes you feel comfortable. This doesn’t mean lose your ambition. The key is to find a balance between what makes you feel comfortable and confident and what you have the ambition and drive for.

Even in my case, I still set reasonable goals for myself and I always evaluate them before mapping out these questions and steps. This strategy works for me every month!

For more on hitting your goals, watch my video here!